Ranney's Reading Corner

Welcome to Mrs. Ranney's Reading Corner!  I want to share news about books, science and general cool information (because the library is the place for information, right?). 
Click on the book cart below to go to the  Destiny Library Catalog, where you can find all kinds of books:
Library Book Cart.png

Click on the Choice Board below for some great books, videos and activities.
End of Day

What's new in the library? 

I'm adding some great new books over the summer and contacting authors for visits - either via zoom or in person.  And, I'm reading lots of great books!  Have a fun summer, read, and explore outside!

I spy 


Kids at Mt. View LOVE books! Starting on the first day of school, you can click on the link below and see how many books they have checked out from our library!
Click on the link below-

How Many Books?