About Mt. View Elementary

To provide the highest quality educational opportunities possible to all students, in environments that nurture and promote each student's unique capabilities and finest achievements. 


Principal's Message


Mt. View Elementary School


Week of 2/10

Hello MTV Families,


I hope you had a nice weekend, and your week is off to a great start. I am just sending a quick note, but I also want to thank you for your patience and flexibility as we all navigated last week's weather.


Please take look at a couple of important dates below.


Important Dates


  • 2/12 (Tomorrow) - 2:00 PM Early Release - staff training
  • 2/13 - Mt. View Heartland Dance and Art Night 5:30 to 7:00 PM (flyer coming home tomorrow) Join us for a fun night of dancing, art projects, Hula Hoop contest and more!
  • 2/17 and 2/18 - Mid Winter Break (no school)


One last thought for the week and beyond. Reading at home is a huge predictor of student growth and success. Please encourage your kids to pick up a book at home each night. It will pay off!


Have a great week and hope to see you at the Heartland Dance on Thursday.


Greg Woods - MTV Principal

Be Kind, Be Safe, Be a Learner…and Be at School!




                             Mr. Woods